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3 Good Things to Help You Feel Positive in 2023

January can be a tough month, but at BYBI, we believe that positivity is the key to glowing both inside and out! Your mood affects your entire being, so it's important to try to focus on the positive. To help you do this, we’re sharing a psychological exercise that our team is committing to doing this January to start the year off right. 

The “3 Good Things” exercise is a practice proven to improve satisfaction in life, simply by writing down three positive things that happened to you at the end of each day. It can be something as simple as drinking coffee or making the bed. The most important thing is to take a moment and focus on the positive things, however small or big they might be. Although performing this exercise does not guarantee that you will be happier, it can help you improve your overall mindset and outlook on life.


Psychologists, Tim Lai and Ronan E. O’Carroll found that individuals who wrote down their three good things each day, had more positive effects in their lives than those who didn’t perform the exercise. Moreover, Seligman and colleagues have found that the practice of 3 good things increases participants’ happiness levels (Mongrain, M., & Anselmo Matthews, T., 2012).

By thinking positively just before sleep, individuals may be more appreciative of life and more grateful for it. Although it may not improve people's happiness or quality of life forever, it will make them happier at the time. If people get into the routine of practising this exercise daily, it can improve their quality of life over time. 

Therefore, the BYBI team has decided to document their 3 good things every night during January. Why? First of all, it costs nothing and only takes 5 minutes of our time. And secondly, we want to stop the trend of blue January and start appreciating the small things in life while spreading positivity. Having bad days is normal, in fact, it's healthy! We tend to be extra negative during our sad moments, so it's important to remember that life goes on, and we will overcome our bad moments and see how far we've come!

Would you like to join us? It’s so simple: Everyday just before sleep write down 3 good things about your day. Please feel free to share your 3 good things or thoughts on your socials and tag us/DM us at @bybibeauty.

We wish you a happy 2023, where we all learn to appreciate our lives to the fullest!

From the BYBI team with lots of love xoxo