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The Goodness of Glycolic

Meet Glycolic Acid. She’s glowing. She’s effortless. She’s a genius. She smells good. She’s both your bestie and your role model at the same time.

This skincare superhero isn’t new; in fact, she’s been around for ages. Some might say she’s *ageless*. So...what’s her secret?

What really is Glycolic Acid?

Glycolic acid is, first and foremost, an exfoliator. Considered an AHA, or, in long-form, alpha-hydroxy acid, she’s not uncommon. In fact, glycolic acid is actually derived from sugarcane. (#plantbased) Glycolic acid is one of the common acids found in skincare and joins other plant-based acids like lactic acid and citric acid on your bathroom shelf. BUT—this one’s different. Glycolic acid has the SMALLEST molecules of any other AHA, meaning it has a much easier time penetrating the skin to get the job done. Dead skin cells cause both dullness and dryness; AHAs break down the “glue” that binds these cells together, revealing smooth, firm, and soft skin.

What is it good for?

A super exfoliator, superior cell turner-over, and incredible stimulator, glycolic acid pretty much does it all. Once those super tiny molecules penetrate your skin, it gets to work. If you’re looking to brighten dull skin, promote increased collagen production, tighten fine lines or wrinkles, you’ve found your magic potion. Glycolic acid can also be a good treatment for minor acne, such as blackheads or whiteheads. As always, consult a dermatologist before treating at home :)

How do I use it?

From face washes to toners to masks, Glycolic acid comes in many forms. We opted for the latter and blended it with other plant-based acids, including lactic (derived from bilberry extract), glycolic (derived from sugar cane extract), malic, and tartaric (derived from sugar maple extract). If you’ve never used glycolic acid or are someone with more sensitive skin, it’s always recommended that you do a small patch test somewhere on your body to see how you’ll react.

Let’s do this!

Acid Gold is our all-natural, vegan, cruelty-free, and sustainable take on glycolic acid. We formulated this rich and regenerating mask to exfoliate and banish dulling, dead skin cells from your complexion.

Acid Gold contains a potent blend of natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), including lactic, glycolic, malic, and tartaric. Those acids are balanced with pumpkin enzymes to gently exfoliate and enhance cell renewal while replenishing skin firmness, texture, and bounce. The clarifying blend of AHAs with added papain (papaya) enzymes works to reduce bacteria in the skin, helping to prevent breakouts and blemishes. Combined with sea buckthorn oil and moisturising agent glycerin, Acid Gold doesn’t strip or dry out the skin. Instead, skin feels balanced, clear, and soft with visibly improved texture.