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Does screen time cause wrinkles?

Computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, TV, screens are everywhere you go, and it’s hard to avoid them. It’s amazing how far we have come from a technology point of view with the Office for National Statistics stating that of all households in Great Britain, 93% had access to the internet in 2019, and we know what internet access, not instagram memes (well kind of), it’s screen time! As amazing and needed this technology and internet is, it is in fact damaging our skin and potentially causing the dreaded wrinkles.

Studies have shown that too much time in front of a screen can in fact damage our skin. Our skin literally can’t catch a break, UVA and UVB rays from the sun can damage our skin, and even when we are inside shielding from this, it’s our screens that have become our next enemy.

The science bit
Our screens emit something called HEV rays, HEV standing for high-energy visible light, also known as blue or violet light. HEV rays or blue light has been found to weaken and irritate skin, also causing hyperpigmentation and speeding up the ageing process. Some experts are even saying HEV/blue light can be more damaging than UV rays from the sun. It’s not the best news for our skin, but now we know, we can do something about it!

BYBI Blueberry Booster

The good news bit
In walks our knight in shining pink armour, Blueberry Booster. A daily defender for skin against the blue light damage caused from screen time. Blueberry seed oil at just 2% has been found to effectively absorb and disperse blue light, helping to prevent skin damage, ageing, wrinkles and uneven texture. BYBI’s Blueberry booster is formulated with 100% blueberry seed oil so you can feel confident you are fully protected and shielded from skin damage and wrinkles even when mixing with / or using a moisturiser on top.

In addition to protecting skin from the evil screens in our lives, blueberry seed oil also has repairing properties; pro-vitamin A (converted from beta-carotene) can reduce and repair areas and signs of hyperpigmentation and weakened skin. Blueberry Booster is also rich in oleic acids, giving the skin essential nourishment and locking in moisture. Light and smooth, the oil glides on and absorbs into the skin for lightweight protection.
Finally, as if the Blueberry Booster couldn’t get any better, it’s cold-pressed from blueberry seeds that are a by-product of the juicing industry, meaning this up-cycled ingredient is saved from being thrown away!

The summary bit
Yes, screen time can cause wrinkles and speed up the ageing process but, if we’ve learnt anything here, it doesn’t have to be that way! Daily use of Blueberry Booster will protect skin from the damage HEV rays / blue light can cause and leave you with protected, smooth, supple wrinkle free skin.



Written by Isabel, Commercial Analyst