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Why you need antioxidants in your skincare

What the fudge are antioxidants and why do I need them in my beauty regime?

Antioxidants have been a staple in the beauty world for some time, but what are they and how do you get a piece of the pie?

They’re fighters! Antioxidants fight against free radicals which are compounds that can cause harm if their levels become too high in your body. Free radicals occur in everyday life, to name a few sources; pollution, smoke, alcohol, and fatty acids. Antioxidants have shown they can play a part in boosting immunity, protecting against disease including cancer & heart disease to name a few. 

And these are just the benefits for your insides; through your beauty choices they can correct signs of ageing, help prevent sunburn, brighten & repair skin.

How do I get me some?

Remember when the Goji berry, blueberry and matcha tea were a big buzz word because of their superfood antioxidant powers? Skincare has a similar list of hero ingredients that are high in antioxidants and do wonders for the skin!

At BYBI one of the great things about our natural products is that they are consciously super rich in antioxidants;

Bakuchiol Booster - Bakuchiol is a powerful antioxidant that helps improve the appearance of fine lines, pigmentation, skin texture and overall firmness of the skin.

Strawberry Booster - Strawberry Oil contains ellagic acid which is a powerful antioxidant which is anti-inflammatory, helps to preserve collagen, and brighten skin. Strawberry seed oil is also rich in Vitamin E which helps skin to heal and protects the skin.

Night Nutrition -  Including Raspberry seed oil and a unique blend of superfood proteins from kale, lemon and carrot which are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, E and C. This aids your skin’s natural overnight repair cycle; strengthening and protecting. Your skin feels healthy, strong and supple.

Supercharge Serum Made up of 18 potent plant extracts including prickly pear and watermelon seed oil, each chosen for their high antioxidant content. They repair and replenish damaged skin, increasing moisture levels and give it a smooth, healthy feel.

C-Caf Cream – Containing Matcha (green tea) extract which is incredibly high in antioxidants, it helps to repair your skin from the effects of pollution and UV rays. This also boosts your skin’s regeneration process, giving it a smooth, bouncy feel.

One watch out is antioxidants can break down when exposed to light. Luckily BYBI is sustainably packaged in non-transparent containers to avoid any deterioration in effectiveness.